From Explosion Rodeo
Total Population, Demographic, and Military statistics.
- Kingdom of Atmina - A monarchy in decline, threatened by corruption.
- Krynn - Democratic republic based on principles of mutual protection.
- Thayan Magocracy - Xenophobic state ruled by a powerful council of mages.
- Assembled States of the Genin Pantheon - AKA Genin, a theocracy with a strong social hierarchy.
- Goblin Holds - Loose conglomerate of goblinoid cities.
- Perrimor State - A trade empire with elaborately layered administration.
- Namicor Kingdom - A monarchy with a thriving scientific community.
- Hessian Republic - A warrior republic based out of the northern Crown Mountains.
- Nigasta Domain - A militocracy struggling with a long-running undead problem.
- Mayar Fiefdoms - A collection of nomads that live on horseback, with a few trading cities.