TwinDevils/Alem Nitor
Alem Nitor is a well-known and well-liked knight in the employ of Millne de Tempestus, a long-time friend. He was once an adventurer who was a founding member of a moderately sized (15-25 at times) adventuring guild, although they set out for other lands over a decade ago. Since then, he has become something of a public figure in Londolond, known for his sense of justice and philanthropy. He is currently the sole proprietor of his old guild hall, though he occasionally works out of and sleeps at the Temple of the Traveller.
Known abilities
Alem fits the Fighter/Battlemaster archetype, and is well-versed in many different fighting styles. Though a frequent user of magic, his own abilities are lacking, and he makes up for this with a wide variety of magical artifacts he has collected over his adventuring career.